City Shred

Organization Type: Sports & Recreation
Address: Richmond Olympic Oval, Richmond, British Columbia

City Shred Logo

City Shred, is BACK in the West Cost for the largest most anticipated fitness event of the YEAR and we would love for you to come and support again. We are pumped to be back IN PERSON.  Please see details below and let me know if you can make it!



City Shred West Cost Event – Sunday, September 26th, 2021

  • 5-10 volunteers to support on event execution and participant registration
  • Richmond Olympic Oval – 6111 River Rd, Richmond, BC V7C 0A2
  • Arrival: 8AM; Event Wrap Up: 2PM
  • Details:



Check out the last West Coast Event here.

Richmond Olympic Oval – 6111 River Rd, Richmond, BC V7C 0A2


Sunday, September 26th | 9:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Registration: 9:00 AM

Burpee Challenge: 9:30 AM

Workout: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Refuel + Photo Opp: 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM



Please note: By order of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), proof of vaccination will be required to access the event. You must have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. For more information, please visit the official website of the Government of British Columbia:






The Ultimate One-Day Fitness Events led by Celebrity Trainers, alongside Top Local Trainers + Influencers


Be a part of an epic group-training experience that challenges you to push your limits, work as a team, and break a sweat, together! City Shred is BACK to test your strength, endurance, agility, and speed while being motivated by your peers to complete a killer workout like no other!


The event will kick off with a partner burpee challenge that will have participants leaving it all on the turf, followed by a warm up with exercises guided by top Vancouver fitness trainers before experiencing a HIIT workout led by renowned LA trainer Ryan Tremaine Klarenbach and capped-off with a cool down session. Following the workout, attendees will have the opportunity to mingle and refuel with aligned health, wellness & fitness brands from local training studios, supplement brands and health food services to athletic apparel, mindfulness programs, and much more.


Check out our last event here.

Instagram here.

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City Shred’s Volunteer Opportunities

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What is the city but the people?
William Shakespeare

Contact City Shred

Get Directions

Richmond Olympic Oval, Richmond, British Columbia

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