Multicultural Helping House Society

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 4802 Fraser St, Vancouver, British Columbia V5V4H4

Multicultural Helping House Society Logo

The Multicultural Helping House Society Newcomer Resource Centre (MHHS -NRC) is a registered non-profit society and charitable organization dedicated to serving the needs of newcomers to Canada.  In its 20-year history, the MHHS-NRC has provided assistance to thousands of new immigrants in addressing their needs from settlement, employment, social services, skills enhancement, respite housing, legal assistance, and education services.

Multicultural Helping House Society’s Volunteer Opportunities

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When I dig another out of trouble, the hole from which I lift him is the place where I bury my own.
Chinese proverb as quoted by Norman Vincent Peale

Contact Multicultural Helping House Society

Get Directions

4802 Fraser St, Vancouver, British Columbia V5V4H4

Other Organizations


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  • B.C. Wildlife Federation

  • DOXA Documentary Film Festival

  • Greek Heritage Day