Aboriginal Front Door Society

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 384 Main Street (off Hastings), Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 2T1
Website: http://abfrontdoor.org

Aboriginal Front Door Society Logo

Restoring respect, dignity and pride for Aboriginal Peoples

The Aboriginal Front Door Society is a culturally safe, peer-designed non-judgmental place for Aboriginal Peoples and their friends and family in the Downtown East Side.

We Create hope and offer support through Aboriginal cultural traditions, caring, and acceptance.

We are a meeting place and a drop-in centre with a welcoming environment, providing opportunities to learn more about Aboriginal Peoples and Culture. When necessary, we can also offer other services, such as serving as a crisis centre, brokering long-term and specialty trauma counseling, and doing court accompaniments.

Our goal is to restore respect, dignity, and pride to our members.

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Aboriginal Front Door Society’s Volunteer Opportunities

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You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Contact Aboriginal Front Door Society

Get Directions

384 Main Street (off Hastings), Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 2T1

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