
Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 4924 Imperial Street, Burnaby, British Columbia V5J 1C6
Website: http://app.kudoz.ca

Kudoz Logo

We are Kudoz, a non-profit learning exchange; think AirBnB for real world learning. We are on our way to becoming the easiest way to volunteer in British Columbia. Community members share their passions in an online catalogue (app.kudoz.ca), choosing when and where to host a one-hour learning experience. Adults with cognitive disabilities choose from the catalogue, and stitch together more meaningful and inclusive days.Jay, who has used the catalogue to discover birdwatching, buddhist meditation and Haida culture, explains its impact. “I’m a happier person now. Less anxious and more ready to learn.”

Social Science + Service Design:

Kudoz is the product of a unique 2-year user-led design process to address the challenge of social isolation in the Lower Mainland. While design & beta-testing is common to technology companies and commercial start-ups, it’s the first time such methods have been applied to the social sector in Canada.

Ultimately Kudoz is pioneering ways to bring people with and without disabilities together using a tech-enabled platform and iOS app. It is an example of cutting edge social services making a measurable difference in citizen’s lives.

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Kudoz’s Volunteer Opportunities

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I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.
Helen Keller

Contact Kudoz

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4924 Imperial Street, Burnaby, British Columbia V5J 1C6

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