Rainbow Refugee Society

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 1033 Davie Street, Unit 620, Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 1M5
Website: https://www.rainbowrefugee.com/

Rainbow Refugee Society Logo

Founded in 2000, Rainbow Refugee promotes safe, equitable migration and communities of belonging for people fleeing persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or HIV status.

We provide support, information, and system navigation to refugees and refugee claimants seeking refugee status in Canada. We manage the Rainbow Refugee Assistant Partnership, allowing us to privately sponsor refugees in collaboration with other LGBTQI+ organizations in the Rainbow Coalition for Refuge.

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Rainbow Refugee Society’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.
Author Unknown

Contact Rainbow Refugee Society

Get Directions

1033 Davie Street, Unit 620, Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 1M5

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