West End Seniors’ Network
Organization Type: Social & Community ServicesAddress: 1447 Barclay Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6G 1J6
Website: http://wesn.ca

Our Vision
A Vancouver community that supports and empowers older adults to live involved, healthy and fulfilling lives.
Our Mission
To enhance the quality of life of older adults by providing social, recreational, educational and supportive programs and services that foster connection and inclusion in the broader community.
Our History
On August 15, 1979, a meeting was held at the local office of the Provincial Ministry of Human Resources, comprised of representatives of government, the Vancouver Health Department and West End older adults. In this meeting, they examined the findings of a field-study conducted by the undergraduates of UBC’s School of Social Work on the needs of senior citizens. As a result, the West End Seniors’ Council selected an executive body to discuss and find solutions to the current needs of this community.
Funded by a Federal New Horizons Program grant, an Information and Referral Centre was opened in 1982, operating 3 days a week and staffed by older adult volunteers with support from a paid, part-time Coordinator.
West End Seniors’ Network become an incorporated society in BC in October 1982, and has been a registered charity since July 1984. Currently, there are over 950 members of the Network, 15 paid staff members and more than 250 active volunteers who contribute over 20,000 hours a year.
The West End Seniors’ Network now operates from three different locations. In Denman Place Mall we run a thrift boutique, Clothes and Collectibles, and an Information and Referral centre, Kay’s Place. WESN’s main offices are located in Barclay Manor, a space dedicated by the City of Vancouver for older adults, where we work co-operatively with the West End Community Center Association to provide a variety of programs and activities.
Social Media Links
West End Seniors’ Network’s Volunteer Opportunities
Contact West End Seniors’ Network
Get Directions
1447 Barclay Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6G 1J6