Vancouver Volunteer News

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Big Brothers Vancouver hopes to net new volunteers through hoop project

“…Big Brothers Vancouver is getting a helping hand recruiting new volunteers from a former little brother.

Brodan Thiel, 28, says Big Brothers played a key role in his childhood.

“As a kid, I had an absent father at home and this was an outlet for me to get through and have a role model in the community,” he said….”

Date of Article: April 24, 2017
Source: Yahoo News

We All Need a Hug

“…Last week I took a press trip. Not just any press trip, but a daytime visit to Victoria General Hospital (VGH) on Vancouver Island, B.C., to witness the unveiling of its volunteer baby cuddling program, designed in partnership with Huggies….”

Author: Noa Nichol
Date of Article: April 14, 2017
Source: North Shore News

MEMORY LANE: Full-time volunteer works for the birds

“…At Maplewood Conservation Area, the goldfinches fly and rest and flicker about their daily rounds, undeterred by the driving rain, oblivious to observation.

Inside Corrigan Nature House, separated from the birds and rain by a sheet of glass, naturalist Kevin Bell recalls the dawn of his interest in the wild world….”

Author: Laura Anderson
Date of Article: April 13, 2017
Source: North Shore News

Meet Surrey’s ‘Top 25 Under 25’ award winners, to be celebrated April 20 in Guildford

“…SURREY — The city’s business community will celebrate Surrey’s “Top 25 Under 25” during an awards reception on Thursday, April 20.

The seventh annual event celebrates “the incredible initiatives of Surrey’s youth 25 years old or younger.”…”

Author: Tom Zillich
Date of Article: April 12, 2017
Source: Surrey Now

Homeless count more than doubles in White Rock/Delta

“…Homelessness in White Rock/Delta has increased by 142 per cent over the past three years, according to findings from the 2017 Metro Vancouver Homeless Count.

The homeless count – which lumped White Rock and Delta numbers together – reported that there are 46 homeless people living in White Rock/Delta, a jump from 19 people noted in the 2014 homeless count….”

Author: Aaron Hinks
Date of Article: April 11, 2017
Source: Surrey Now

Volunteers support Nanaimo community members in crisis

“…“I was blindsided,” Owen said. “He had three lovely girls. He was about 40 and we had grown up together.”

Owen, who ended up raising one of her friend’s three daughters, reached out to volunteer with the Vancouver Island Crisis Society, a Nanaimo-based non-profit organization that has been operating a 24-hour crisis help phone line for decades….”

Author: Nicholas Pescod
Date of Article: April 6, 2017
Source: Nanaimo News Bulletin

Victoria hospital launches volunteer program to hug babies

“…Victoria General Hospital wants to make sure its babies get plenty of hugs.

The hospital has launched a program where volunteers will hold, rock, hug and sing to babies in the neonatal intensive care unit and the prenatal intensive care unit when their parents can’t be there.

Sarah Byam is one of the specially trained volunteers in the program….”

Date of Article: April 5, 2017
Source: CBC News

Power of hugs: Victoria hospital introduces new baby hugging program

“…A new initiative at Victoria General Hospital will help ensure babies get the hugs they need to thrive, even if parents aren’t able to be at their newborn’s side.

Specially trained volunteers will cuddle, rock and sing to babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)….”

Author: Asymina Kantorowicz
Date of Article: April 5, 2017
Source: CTV News

‘Huggers’ give boost to vulnerable babies at Victoria General Hospital –

“…In a nursery in the neonatal intensive care unit at Victoria General Hospital, a tiny baby squirms and gives a smile to the woman rocking her.

Sarah Byam isn’t a doctor or a nurse or even young Lady’s mother — she’s one of the hospital’s first volunteer “huggers.”…”

Author: Amy Smart
Date of Article: April 5, 2017
Source: Times Colonist

Seniors Services Society seeks board members

“…The Seniors Services Society is on the hunt for board members to help it assist seniors throughout Metro Vancouver.

The upcoming term will begin on July 1, 2017 and last for two years. Board meetings are held on the last Tuesday of every month at 4 p.m….”

Author: Theresa McManus
Date of Article: April 3, 2017
Source: New Westminster Record

We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow-men; and along those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.
Herman Melville