This volunteer opportunity has expired!

Project Empathic ([Workshop Program Facilitator] Volunteer to Teach Students about Homelessness)

Organization Name: Project Empathic
Opportunity Title: [Workshop Program Facilitator] Volunteer to Teach Students about Homelessness
Category: Education / Training / Teaching
Commitment: Less than 6 months, 6 months to 1 year
Start Date: January 15, 2023
End Date: June 30, 2023

  • Appropriate for youth (i.e., less than 18)
  • Appropriate for volunteers aged between 18 and 55
  • Training or orientation required
Opportunity Description:


With a small team of high school and university student volunteers, direct a 60-minute workshop on homelessness for an elementary-level classroom. Run interactive activities to build empathy and engage in important dialogues with students about the origins of homelessness and why they matter. If willing, you may also be tasked with picking up the cards at select locations. Training provided.

Volunteer Expectations:
Time Commitment: Minimum ~2 hrs/month, though subject to vary. Each volunteer cycle is around six months.
We also require our members to be responsive to email communication and commit to being present and punctual for the workshops they choose to sign up for

*Please note that workshops often take place during regular school hours (9am-3pm) and may require you to miss class time.


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Vancouver, British Columbia

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Volunteer to Teach Students about Homelessness”]
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