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The New Art Foundation (A Path to Reconciliation: Acknowledging 100 Years Since the Chinese Exclusion Act)
Organization Name: The New Art FoundationOpportunity Title: A Path to Reconciliation: Acknowledging 100 Years Since the Chinese Exclusion Act
Category: Heritage / Museums
Commitment: One Day / Special Event
Start Date: July 1, 2023
End Date: July 1, 2023
- Appropriate for youth (i.e., less than 18)
- Appropriate for volunteers aged between 18 and 55
- Appropriate for volunteers aged 55 and over
- Family-oriented volunteering
- Training or orientation required
Call for volunteers – CANADA DAY JULY 1ST (BURNABY) (2-hour shift)
New Art Foundation of Vancouver is collaborating with the City of Burnaby and Burnaby Village Museum for “The Wall” – an ice wall art installation by renowned Chinese- Canadian artist duo Yi Chen + Muchen, signifying the injustices and path to reconciliation, of the 100th-year anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923.
We seek volunteers to help us run the art installation at the City of Burnaby Canada Day event at Burnaby Village Museum from 11am – 5pm, on July 1st.
Volunteer benefits:
- Participate in and help spearhead a long-term diversity/inclusion awareness anti-racism initiative for Asian & Chinese Canadians in Vancouver.
- Network with related community organizations & professionals, as well as Vancouver art & design industry professionals and organizations.
If interested, please fill out the short form here:
Learn more about the project and our organization at
If you have any questions please email us at
Thank you!