Gaia Community Care and Wellness Society

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 200 – 8877 Odlin Crescent, Richmond, British Columbia V6X 3Z7

Gaia Community Care and Wellness Society Logo

Gaia Community Care and Wellness Society (Gaia Cares) is a charitable organization incorporated in British Columbia in 2018 that aims to support the health and wellness of Chinese and other older adults and their families. Through its programs and services, Gaia Cares provides seniors and those caring for them with the knowledge, skills, and nurturing support they need to ease the stresses of aging. Gaia Cares received its status as a registered charity through Canada Revenue Agency , effective from April 1, 2019

We promote the health and wellbeing of Chinese and other ethnic seniors and their caregivers. Our culturally and linguistically appropriate services include information sharing, education, training, counselling, and physical and emotional support.

We provide seniors with essential support services that enable them to age comfortably and independently at home and defer the need for admissions to long-term care facilities.

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Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another’s pain, life is not in vain.
Helen Keller

Contact Gaia Community Care and Wellness Society

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200 – 8877 Odlin Crescent, Richmond, British Columbia V6X 3Z7

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