Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 2620 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V5K 1Z6
Website: http://hastingssunrisecpc.com/

Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre Logo

The HSCPC is a non-profit volunteer organization that works in partnership with the Vancouver Police Department (VPD), the City of Vancouver, and community agencies. Our purpose is to develop and operate programs that address crime and safety issues in order to foster and maintain a safe and healthy community. Volunteers take part in a variety of programs and activities to engage the community, promote leadership and assist with crime and safety concerns.

Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre’s Volunteer Opportunities

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If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.
Lucy Larcom

Contact Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre

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2620 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V5K 1Z6

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