quaranTEEN Learning

Organization Type: Education & Schools
Address: Richmond, British Columbia
Website: https://quaranteenlearning.weebly.com/

​quaranTEEN Learning is a free online tutor/mentorship service available to all B.C. students currently in grades 4 – 7. Our team is completely made up of youth volunteers who are passionate towards providing students in B.C. a source of learning and mentorship during the school closures.

Our mission is to help provide another source of learning for students, as well as a connection in the community to help foster solidarity during these uncertain times. We hope to achieve this by setting up free online tutoring and mentorship sessions to provide a space where students can talk to other youths. During this period of self-isolation, we believe that collaboration and communication are essential to help boost morale, as well as to help spread knowledge and ideas.

quaranTEEN Learning’s Volunteer Opportunities

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No man can become rich without himself enriching others.
Andrew Carnegie

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Richmond, British Columbia

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