Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 38 W Pender, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1R6
Website: http://www.betterathome.ca/

‘Better at Home’ is a program that helps seniors with simple day-to-day tasks so that they can continue to live independently in their own homes and remain connected to their communities. The Government of British Columbia funds the program, United Way of the Lower Mainland manages it, and local non-profit organizations provide the services.

S.U.C.C.E.S.S’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in a world all of your own.
Albert Schweitzer

Contact S.U.C.C.E.S.S

Get Directions

38 W Pender, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1R6

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