Surrey Women’s Centre

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: PO Box 33519, Surrey BC, V3T 5R5, Surrey, British Columbia V3T 5R5

Surrey Women's Centre Logo

We are a crisis centre for women and girls escaping domestic violence, sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence. Help us protect and empower women and girls. We are the only women’s Centre in Surrey, BC. We are often the first and sometimes the only place they call for help. It is because of you that women and girls have a safe place to turn. 24 hours per day. 7 days per week. 365 days per year.

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The million little things that drop into your hands The small opportunities each day brings He leaves us free to use or abuse And goes unchanging along His silent way.
Helen Keller

Contact Surrey Women’s Centre

Get Directions

PO Box 33519, Surrey BC, V3T 5R5, Surrey, British Columbia V3T 5R5

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