Eric Hamber

Place Type: School
Address: 5025 Willow St., Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 3S1
Phone: (604) 713-8927
Fax: (604) 713-8926

Students will demonstrate intellectual, social, aesthetic, and physical excellence in a setting that reflects diversity, fosters cooperation, mutual respect, individual worth, and prepares students to become responsible members of society.

Available Programs:

BC Children’s Hospital – Adolescent Psychiatric Unit
BC Children’s Hospital – Eating Disorders Treatment Program
BC Children’s Hospital – School Program
G.F. Strong – School Program
Hamber Gifted Programs
Hamber House Adolescent Day Treatment Program
Learning Assistance
Learning Assistance/Life Skills
Life Skills – Secondary
Total Education Program

Growth of the soul is our goal, and there are many ways to encourage that growth, such as through love, nature, healing our wounds, forgiveness, and service. The soul grows well when giving and receiving love. I nourish my soul daily by loving others and being vulnerable to their love. Love is, after all, a verb, an action word, not a noun.
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

Get Directions

5025 Willow St., Vancouver, BC, V5Z 3S1, Canada

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