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BC Chapter of the American Marketing Association (Outreach Volunteers (telephone calling))
Organization Name: BC Chapter of the American Marketing AssociationOpportunity Title: Outreach Volunteers (telephone calling)
Category: Fundraising & Sponsorship
Commitment: Ongoing Opportunity (> 1 year)
Start Date: February 28, 2015
End Date: April 22, 2015
- Appropriate for Volunteers Aged 55 and Over
- Training or Orientation Required
The BC Chapter of the American Marketing Association has been this province’s leading marketing source since 1955. As one of the most highly regarded chapters in North America, BCAMA was awarded with the prestigious international “Chapter of the Year” Award in each of the three years spanning 1994-1997, as well as numerous other awards over the last 20 years. The BCAMA is made up of over 500 members, and has a contact database of over 3,000 BC marketing, advertising, and communications professionals. A non-profit association, BCAMA is made possible by a dedicated team of volunteers including Board Members, Committee Members, and Sponsors. For over 50 years, BCAMA has contributed to the growth and education of the BC marketing community. We require dedicated volunteers to help put on our annual Vision Conference by calling corporations to remind them to register and attend the event. A script has been prepared and information in email will be sent to all prospective attendees. Your job is to actually make these phone calls. For more information on the event, visit here: * Requirements: * work from home or home office * commit to making 20 calls per hour for 1-2 hours per day, 3 days per week * have a professional demeanour and phone voice * have a computer or laptop that can send emails to prospective attendees