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Green Party of Vancouver (Help get Green Party of Vancouver elected October 20th)
Organization Name: Green Party of VancouverOpportunity Title: Help get Green Party of Vancouver elected October 20th
Category: Social and Community Service
Commitment: Less than 6 months, One Day / Special Event
Start Date: September 20, 2018
End Date: October 20, 2018
- Appropriate for youth (i.e., less than 18)
- Appropriate for volunteers aged between 18 and 55
- Appropriate for volunteers aged 55 and over
- Family-oriented volunteering
The Green Party of Vancouver’s dedicated volunteers have made history again and again, winning the most electoral success of any Green party in Canadian history. Will you join us, and help us build a better Vancouver?
Please visit to join us in making a brighter future for Vancouver
We can use your help:
- Canvas (door knocking, street canvassing, etc.)
- Drop promo materials at doors
- Make phone calls
- Take a lawn or window sign
- Sign waving at events
- Special events
- Host an event (house party, fundraiser, etc.)
- Office tasks
- Offer your own special or technical skills (web, database, etc)
Get Directions
191 West Broadway, Vancouver, bcOther Green Party of Vancouver Volunteer Opportunities
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