BC Highland Games & Scottish Festival

Organization Type: Arts, Culture & Heritage
Address: 3099 Trevor Wingrove Way, Coquitlam, British Columbia V3B 7Y3
Website: http://www.bchighlandgames.com

The BC Highland Games is a non-profit, volunteer-run event.  The 89th BC Highland Games will be held June 20, 2020 at Lafarge Lake Park in Coquitlam.  The Games attracts more than 10,000 individuals, families, pipe bands, competitors, vendors, heavy event athletes, dancers, singers, Gaelic speakers and lots of artisans.  We had 180 volunteers in 2019, and we are now looking for one (or two) Volunteer Coordinators to run our crucial volunteer program.  All the templates and resources are available, including last year’s Vol. Coordinator.  It’s a job that starts now.

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BC Highland Games & Scottish Festival’s Volunteer Opportunities

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What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us. What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Albert Pine

Contact BC Highland Games & Scottish Festival

Get Directions

3099 Trevor Wingrove Way, Coquitlam, British Columbia V3B 7Y3

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