Fair Trade Vancouver

Organization Type: International
Address: 514-207 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1H7
Website: http://fairtradevancouver.ca/

Fair Trade Vancouver is a non-profit organization that seeks to increase awareness, availability, and sales of Fair Trade products in Metro Vancouver.

By purchasing goods with the Fair Trade Certified logo, you support equality and contribute to empowering hardworking individuals and their families to build sustainable futures.

Our Goals
•To educate citizens of Metro Vancouver on how they can support people in the developing world by choosing Fair Trade in their everyday purchasing practices
•To increase the availability of Fair Trade products by working alongside Fair Trade retailers, distributors and suppliers
•To support and encourage businesses and organizations to adopt in-house Ethical Procurement policies that require Fair Trade products when available
•To assist campuses, towns, cities and municipalities to become Fair Trade universities and towns
•To have individuals, businesses, community and faith groups to commit to Fair Trade sourcing
•To lead a nationwide effort to increase the availability and prominence of Fair Trade in Canada

We Are
•An independent volunteer-based organization
•Not in the business of selling Fair Trade products
•Not a certifier of fair trade products

Social Media Links

Fair Trade Vancouver’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Hunger allows no choice To the citizens or the police; We must love one another or die.
W.H. Auden

Contact Fair Trade Vancouver

Get Directions

514-207 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1H7

Other Organizations

  • Latincouver Cultural & Business Society

  • Compassion Globally

  • Festival of India Vancouver

  • MediaEdge Communications

  • Van Expo