Marpole Neighbourhood House

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 8585 Hudson Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6p 4M3

Marpole Neighbourhood House Logo

Marpole Neighbourhood House (MNH) is the newest house under the umbrella of the Association of Neighbourhood Houses, located on the South- West side of Vancouver, MNH  is a multi-service, social-impact agency that creates places for belonging and spaces for connections. Through community led programs and activities, neighbours come together to share and learn and engage in processes that create resilience and help build stronger, healthier communities.

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The million little things that drop into your hands The small opportunities each day brings He leaves us free to use or abuse And goes unchanging along His silent way.
Helen Keller

Contact Marpole Neighbourhood House

Get Directions

8585 Hudson Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6p 4M3

Other Organizations

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