Ocean Wise Conservation Association

Organization Type: Animals & Environment
Address: 440 Cambie St, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 2N5
Website: http://ocean.org

We need the ocean. The ocean needs us.

Ocean Wise builds communities that take meaningful action to protect and restore our ocean. Together – with business leaders, researchers, community members, governments and ocean lovers around the world – we are monitoring and protecting whales, fighting climate change and restoring biodiversity, protecting and restoring fish stocks, innovating for a plastic free ocean, educating and empowering youth.

We will need millions of people, those on the coast as well as those landlocked individuals, to join us for our ocean. Our ability to thrive on this planet depends on it.

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Ocean Wise Conservation Association’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in a world all of your own.
Albert Schweitzer

Contact Ocean Wise Conservation Association

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440 Cambie St, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 2N5

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