Vancouver Chinatown BIA Society

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 106 Keefer street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 1X4

Vancouver Chinatown BIA Society Logo

VCBIA (Vancouver Chinatown Business Improvement Area) Society is a community- based not-for-profit organization situated in a rich cultural and historical Chinatown neighbourhood in Vancouver, BC.

VCBIA Society enables businesses, promotes vibrancy, and enhances the well-being of the Chinatown Community.

VCBIA Society’s mandates include but not limited to:

  1. develop, encourage, promote, and protect businesses in the Vancouver Chinatown Business Improvement Area,
  2. make studies of, and advance any project, plan, or other improvement intended to benefit the VCBIA members,
  3. promote matters of common concern to businesses and property owners in the Vancouver Chinatown Business Improvement Area,
  4. represent its members to all levels of government on matters of common concern.

We achieve our mission through our commitment to the principles of innovation, integration, and collaboration, by acting with passion and integrity, and by encouraging community stakeholders’ involvement that focuses on economic resilience and sustainability.


Vancouver Chinatown BIA Society’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.
Rabbi Harold Kushner

Contact Vancouver Chinatown BIA Society

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106 Keefer street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 1X4

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